Book Progress, Update #3

We managed to break our goal of 8,000 words, and managed closer to 13,000. I know though that it is more a booklet than an actual book. Here was the previous post, with the proposed goals and very brief summary.

The main idea was for it to be read fairly quickly in one sitting. It should also be relatively easy to glance through the relevant chapters.

As I said before, I don’t feel like it’s a true book, especially if it’s going to be under 100 pages to begin with. Still, it’s a nice work in progress. Our next goal will be minimum 18,000 words with the hope of breaking 20,000. There is no set deadline just yet.

With three more subjects added, I’m feeling more confident that we can do this! 20,000 words here we come!

Here is the current Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Adulthood
Chapter 2: Identification
Chapter 3: Transportation
Chapter 4: Communication
Chapter 5: Relationships
Chapter 6: Health
Chapter 7: Job Hunting
Chapter 8: Scheduling and Financial Management
Chapter 9: Food
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Advice
Chapter: 11: Enjoy Life

I reserve the right to change around the chapters and titles as needed. It’s fairly short for the moment, with potential content added later on. Perhaps sometime soon I’ll post a bit of a teaser.

I’ve also recently started working on making Mad Scientist a book on its own. Here is what has been written so far if you care to check it out. Looking back, it is… cringe worthy. It is progress though.

That’s it for the moment, take care now!


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